
iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry


Genetic monitoring in forests - early warning and controlling system for ecosystemic changes

M Konnert (1)   , W Maurer (2), B Degen (3), R Kätzel (4)

iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry, Volume 4, Issue 2, Pages 77-81 (2011)
doi: https://doi.org/10.3832/ifor0571-004
Published: Apr 05, 2011 - Copyright © 2011 SISEF

Research Articles

Collection/Special Issue: IUFRO RG 7.01 2010 - Antalya (Turkey)
Adaptation of Forest Ecosystems to Air Pollution and Climate Change
Guest Editors: Elena Paoletti, Yusuf Serengil

In the context of existent programmes of environmental monitoring which have been established as efficient tools for permanently observing environmental changes, a concept for a genetic monitoring in forests was recently elaborated by a German forest geneticist working group. Genetic monitoring is assumed to contribute essentially to the estimation and valuation of the effect of factors influencing the genetic system of trees in the forests, thus making it an early warning and controlling system for ecosystemic changes. The “Concept of a Genetic Monitoring for Forest Tree Species in the Federal Republic of Germany” gives scientifically-based guidelines for monitoring the current state and dynamics of genetic systems in forest stands of diverse tree species in an extensively, harmonized manner. Both objectives and the realization of the genetic monitoring concept are presented here. The status of the genetic systems of forest tree populations is assessed on the basis of criteria, indicators and verifiers. For this purpose the genetic as well as the phenological and physiological levels are taken into consideration in order to follow temporal developments and to estimate influencing factors. The results of a pioneer study concerning the tree species Fagus sylvatica and Prunus avium are reported.


Genetic monitoring, Fagus sylvatica, Prunus avium, Indicators, Mating system

Authors’ address

M Konnert
Bayerisches Amt für forstliche Saat- und Pflanzenzucht, Forstamtsplatz1, D-83317 Teisendorf (Germany)
W Maurer
Forschungsanstalt für Waldökologie und Forstwirtschaft Rheinland-Pfalz, Schloss, D-67705 Trippstadt (Germany)
B Degen
Institut für Forstgenetik des von Thünen-Instituts, Sieker Landstrasse 2, D-22927 Großhansdorf (Germany)
R Kätzel
Landesforstanstalt Eberswalde, Fachbereich Waldentwicklung und Monitoring, Alfred-Möller-Strasse 1, D-16225 Eberswalde (Germany).

Corresponding author


Konnert M, Maurer W, Degen B, Kätzel R (2011). Genetic monitoring in forests - early warning and controlling system for ecosystemic changes. iForest 4: 77-81. - doi: 10.3832/ifor0571-004

Paper history

Received: May 18, 2010
Accepted: Sep 19, 2010

First online: Apr 05, 2011
Publication Date: Apr 05, 2011
Publication Time: 6.60 months

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