
iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry


Spatial and temporal changes of Hyrcanian forest in Iran

M Poorzady (1)   , F Bakhtiari (2)

iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry, Volume 2, Issue 5, Pages 198-206 (2009)
doi: https://doi.org/10.3832/ifor0515-002
Published: Oct 15, 2009 - Copyright © 2009 SISEF

Research Articles

Original old-growth northern forests of Iran are essential sources of genetic variation, biodiversity, commercial woody products, and various environmental services (e.g., ground water reservation, auxiliary forest products provision, wildlife habitation, and erosion control). Today, the forests are depleting rapidly due to population growth, and associated socio-economic problems, industrial development, urbanism, and more recently intensive/irregular tourism. Satellite image processing and other geo-spatial tools have been used in Iran from the early 80’s to map the vegetative attributes of forests for environmental resource monitoring. This paper aims to build up a basic assumption of when and how the spectral, spatial and temporal features of satellite-borne remote sensing have been applied for the sustainable resource monitoring of the Caspian forests of Iran. To this end, available literature will be reviewed, specific features of the studies discussed in brief, and the future prospects for remote sensing-aided delineation of structural and functional characteristics of the forests will be outlined.


Iranian Caspian forests, Natural resource monitoring and management, Remote Sensing, Satellite-borne image analysis

Authors’ address

M Poorzady
Department of Forestry and Forest Economy, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran
F Bakhtiari
Department of Environmental Science, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran

Corresponding author



Poorzady M, Bakhtiari F (2009). Spatial and temporal changes of Hyrcanian forest in Iran. iForest 2: 198-206. - doi: 10.3832/ifor0515-002

Academic Editor

Agostino Ferrara

Paper history

Received: Apr 19, 2009
Accepted: Aug 24, 2009

First online: Oct 15, 2009
Publication Date: Oct 15, 2009
Publication Time: 1.73 months

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