The social and health benefits that green areas and forests can provide are now recognized in the scientific community worldwide. There is a growing interest in and demand for forest care initiatives and nature-based therapy, also as a result of the impacts of Covid-19 pandemic. In Italy, the increasing interest in alternative and integrated solutions for care and healthcare promotion have laid the basis for the implementation of several projects and activities, particularly those known as Forest Therapy (FT). These initiatives provide a business opportunity for forestry and social sectors, for the development of rural areas, and they are a cost-saving opportunity for the National Health System because of the expected benefits (as assessed by several clinical studies confirming the therapeutic effectiveness of these activities). Despite the importance, in Italy there is not a specific legal basis and standardized procedures to determine the suitability of a FT site. As a result, FT initiatives have been carried out in different environments, whether in urban or extra-urban forest areas, with the implementation of activities deemed suitable in a “self-referential” approach. Establishing a standard procedure for the recognition of FT suitable locations and related FT activities is a first step for the promotion of an important instrument that can meet several social needs. This work proposes (i) a standard procedure (“iter”) for the validation of a Forest Therapy and Urban forest therapy (UFT) site by the competent authority to obtain the official "environmental recognition" of site suitability; (ii) the technical and objective criteria to assess the stationary and environmental parameters of a site in order to be qualified as a FT/UFT site, both in natural and urban contexts. The iter and criteria proposed take into account the relevant national regulations, the literature found on the subject, and the expertise of scientists and technicians. The procedure and criteria proposed can be used as basis of a regulation on FT in Italy, ensuring suitable sites officially recognised by public institutions and providing a high-quality service to society. Finally, a baseline regulation would also facilitate opportunities for dedicated funding, as well as the recognition of “green prescriptions” for the prevention and treatment of certain health problems.
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Rivieccio R, Romano R, Orsini S (2024). Forest therapy in Italy: proposal of a standard procedure for validation of suitable sites. iForest 17: 192-202. - doi: 10.3832/ifor4543-017
Academic Editor
Marco Borghetti
Paper history
Received: Dec 15, 2023
Accepted: Apr 23, 2024
First online: Jul 04, 2024
Publication Date: Aug 31, 2024
Publication Time: 2.40 months
© SISEF - The Italian Society of Silviculture and Forest Ecology 2024
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