
iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry


The analytic hierarchy process for selection of suitable trees for Mexico City

Juan Carlos Bravo-Bello (1), Tomás Martínez-Trinidad (1)   , Martín Enrique Romero-Sanchez (2), José René Valdez-Lazalde (1), Héctor Benavides-Meza (2)

iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry, Volume 13, Issue 6, Pages 541-547 (2020)
doi: https://doi.org/10.3832/ifor3481-013
Published: Nov 18, 2020 - Copyright © 2020 SISEF

Research Articles

Urban foresters require methodologies that help to select tree species for urban environments, mainly in places where there is a large number of potential species such as the Valley of Mexico. We applied the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to select suitable native tree species that are under-represented or non-existent in Mexico City trees. Through bibliographic research, the selection criteria and the list of trees to be evaluated were selected; later, a group of specialists in urban forestry and arboriculture determined by pair-wise comparison matrices the specific weight of each selection criterion, while a set of taxonomists evaluated the rating of each attribute for each species. Finally, for practical purposes, the synthesis of both evaluations resulted in a ranking of 15 tree species according to their degree of aptitude suggested for Mexico City. According to results, Buddleja cordata, Quercus glaucoides and Litsea glaucescens obtained the highest degree of suitability as a large, medium and small-size species, respectively. The AHP proved to be an appropriate methodology to solve a complex problem through multiple criteria evaluation by diverse specialists in the subject. The implementation of the results contributes to the selection process of suitable tree species for urban environments.


Multi-criteria Analysis, Native Species, Urban Environment, Urban Tree Diversity, Valley of Mexico

Authors’ address

Juan Carlos Bravo-Bello
Tomás Martínez-Trinidad 0000-0002-3053-472X
José René Valdez-Lazalde 0000-0003-1888-6914
Colegio de Postgraduados, Posgrado en Ciencias Forestales, Estado de México (México)
Martín Enrique Romero-Sanchez 0000-0002-1682-6603
Héctor Benavides-Meza
Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales Agrícolas y Pecuarias, Centro Nacional de Investigación Disciplinaria en Conservación y Mejoramiento de Ecosistemas Forestales, Ciudad de México (México)

Corresponding author

Tomás Martínez-Trinidad


Bravo-Bello JC, Martínez-Trinidad T, Romero-Sanchez ME, Valdez-Lazalde JR, Benavides-Meza H (2020). The analytic hierarchy process for selection of suitable trees for Mexico City. iForest 13: 541-547. - doi: 10.3832/ifor3481-013

Academic Editor

Raffaele Lafortezza

Paper history

Received: Apr 24, 2020
Accepted: Sep 14, 2020

First online: Nov 18, 2020
Publication Date: Dec 31, 2020
Publication Time: 2.17 months

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