Litter decomposition is not fully explained by the general triangle of climate, litter quality and soil decomposers. Therefore, other theoretical frameworks, such as Home-Field Advantage (HFA), have emerged to explain the remaining variation of decomposition. HFA states that litter decomposes faster in their site of origin (home) than far from it (away). However, there are no consistent patterns of HFA and this can varies depending the ecosystem and plant species analyzed. One of the most variable ecosystems in terms of species biodiversity turnover, topography, and soil conditions are the Upper Andean Tropical Forests (UATF), but to date there is no study testing HFA in this ecosystem. Here, HFA was tested through a reciprocal litterbag translocation field experiment across different UATF. The experiment comprised 2520 litterbags placed in 14 20 × 20 m plots that belonged to four sites to analyze decomposition of 15 plant species for 18 months. Of these 15 species, seven were present at only one site. The mean decomposition was calculated for all 15 species to determine the relative decomposition at each site and the decomposition of the seven species at home and away sites was analyzed through two-way ANOVA (sites × species) and linear mixed models. I contrasted environmental charcteristics between sites including litter depth, slope, leaf area index, canopy openness, and microclimatic variables. The results showed that the pattern of decomposition was always the same, no matter the origin of the species and the decomposition period. Microclimate, litter depth, and slope varied between sites, yet these differences were not enough to influence affinity effects of decomposition, as relative decay rates were similar between home and away sites. Overall, no HFA was found in UATF possibly because: (i) strong environmental filters along montane forests homogenize decomposer communities; (ii) high diversity in litters drive decomposers with high ability to degrade different organic compounds; (iii) little adaptation of decomposers to recurrent litter as they respond mainly to changes in litter quality. These results imply that changes in species composition by current anthropogenic pressures could have profound impacts on carbon cycle and nutrient fluxes depending on the identity of species arriving in UATF.
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Castillo-Figueroa D (2024). No home-field advantage in upper Andean tropical forests despite strong differences in site environmental characteristics. iForest 17: 286-294. - doi: 10.3832/ifor4518-017
Academic Editor
Michele Carbognani
Paper history
Received: Nov 05, 2023
Accepted: Jun 28, 2024
First online: Sep 27, 2024
Publication Date: Oct 31, 2024
Publication Time: 3.03 months
© SISEF - The Italian Society of Silviculture and Forest Ecology 2024
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