
iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry


Wood production and nutritional status of Pinus taeda L. in response to fertilization and liming: a meta-analysis of the Americas

Valdécio Dos Santos Rodrigues (1)   , Antônio Carlos Vargas Motta (1), Julierme Zimmer Barbosa (2), Tamires Maiara Ercole (1), Stephen A Prior (3)

iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry, Volume 16, Issue 4, Pages 195-201 (2023)
doi: https://doi.org/10.3832/ifor4296-016
Published: Jul 25, 2023 - Copyright © 2023 SISEF

Research Articles

Loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) is one of the most planted forest species in the Americas. Since few studies have comprehensively assessed loblolly pine responses to fertilization, the present study performed a meta-analysis of the Americas based on 44 publications (1970-2022) of loblolly pine fertilization under field conditions. In general, fertilization increased root dry matter (+33%), litter (+21%), plant height (+6%), trunk diameter (+9%), wood yield (+30%), and needle concentrations of P (+9%), K (+36%), Ca (+17%), Mg (+14%), and S (+12%). Wood production was higher with residue fertilization, primarily with use of composite residues (cellulosic sludge + ash), compared to mineral fertilization. In regards to mineral applications, wood production was higher when multiple nutrients were added from fertilization and liming operations. Applications at planting (< 1 year) or on established trees (2-8 years), showed similar increases in wood production with higher responses occurring on sandy soils. These factors generally increased needle nutrient concentrations, except for no alteration or slight decreases in N under most conditions. The present study revealed loblolly pine responses to contrasting application strategies, which can help identify efficient fertility management practices for this commercially significant tree species.


Loblolly Pine, Planted Forest, Waste, Sandy Soil, Needle Composition

Authors’ address

Valdécio Dos Santos Rodrigues 0000-0001-5344-2150
Antônio Carlos Vargas Motta 0000-0001-9117-1881
Tamires Maiara Ercole 0000-0003-4623-1042
Department of Soils and Agricultural Engineering, Federal University of Paraná, 1540 Funcionários St., Curitiba, PR, 80035-050 (Brazil)
Julierme Zimmer Barbosa 0000-0002-1784-4985
Federal Institute of Southeast of Minas Gerais, 204 Monsenhor José Augusto St., Barbacena, MG, 36205-018 (Brazil)
Stephen A Prior 0000-0003-1750-6326
USDA-ARS National Soil Dynamics Laboratory, 411 South Donahue Drive, Auburn, AL 36832 (USA)

Corresponding author

Valdécio Dos Santos Rodrigues


Rodrigues VDS, Motta ACV, Barbosa JZ, Ercole TM, Prior SA (2023). Wood production and nutritional status of Pinus taeda L. in response to fertilization and liming: a meta-analysis of the Americas. iForest 16: 195-201. - doi: 10.3832/ifor4296-016

Academic Editor

Daniela Baldantoni

Paper history

Received: Dec 28, 2022
Accepted: May 01, 2023

First online: Jul 25, 2023
Publication Date: Aug 31, 2023
Publication Time: 2.83 months

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