
iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry


Suitability of Fagus orientalis Lipsky at marginal Fagus sylvatica L. forest sites in Southern Germany

Karl H Mellert   , Muhidin Šeho

iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry, Volume 15, Issue 5, Pages 417-423 (2022)
doi: https://doi.org/10.3832/ifor4077-015
Published: Oct 19, 2022 - Copyright © 2022 SISEF

Research Articles

European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) is the most important tree species in Central Europe and is considered to be relatively resistant to climate warming. However, dry summers in the last five years led to considerable damage in beech stands in Southern Germany (SG). Assisted migration of drought resistant beech provenances including those of Oriental beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) may help to stabilise Central European beech forests under climate change. The focus of this study is to compare the climatic ranges of F. sylvatica and F. orientalis using quantile distribution of climatic variables based on WorldClim data at forest sites within their natural distribution area. Temperature, precipitation, and aridity quantile ranges showed that F. orientalis is better adapted to warmer and drier climate compared to F. sylvatica. The quantile distribution method was applied to the whole range of the species to map the habitat suitability for both species at marginal sites in the target region (SG) in the current climatic scenario (1970-2000) and in a warmer scenario (+2°C) using the climate marginality index (CMI), i.e., the distance of sites to the xeric edge at low-latitude and low-altitude distribution limits for the species. To this purpose we applied the simple BIOCLIM algorithm using annual temperature and precipitation as climatic variables. According to our results, F. orientalis seems a promising species with a high potential for future afforestation activities in Southern Germany, especially at marginal sites of European beech forests. However, before introducing F. orientalis on a larger scale in the study area, further research on the species ecology and genetics are needed. For further application of the quantile range method, we produced tables of the vigintiles of the climatic range for both species, which can be used for estimating CMI based on WorldClim data in other regions.


BIOCLIM, Climate Change, Climatic Marginality Index, Climatic Range, Ellenberg Quotient, Macroecology, Quantile Distribution, Species Distribution

Authors’ address

Karl H Mellert 0000-0002-4263-5763
Muhidin Šeho 0000-0001-9926-4564
Bavarian Office for Forest Genetics / Bayerisches Amt für Waldgenetik, Forstamtsplatz 1, 83317 Teisendorf (Germany)

Corresponding author


Mellert KH, Šeho M (2022). Suitability of Fagus orientalis Lipsky at marginal Fagus sylvatica L. forest sites in Southern Germany. iForest 15: 417-423. - doi: 10.3832/ifor4077-015

Academic Editor

Maurizio Marchi

Paper history

Received: Feb 15, 2022
Accepted: Aug 08, 2022

First online: Oct 19, 2022
Publication Date: Oct 31, 2022
Publication Time: 2.40 months

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