Interaction between planting spacing and wood properties of Eucalyptus clones grown in short rotation
Alice Soares Brito (1) , Graziela Baptista Vidaurre (1), José Tarcísio da Silva Oliveira (1), João Gabriel Missia Da Silva (1), Ramon Ferreira Oliveira (1), Ananias Francisco Dias Júnior (1), Marina Donária Chaves Arantes (2), Jordão Cabral Moulin (1), Marina Valin (3), Leandro De Siqueira (3), Edival Angelo Valverde Zauza (3)
iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry, Volume 14, Issue 1, Pages 12-17 (2021)
doi: https://doi.org/10.3832/ifor3574-013
Published: Jan 02, 2021 - Copyright © 2021 SISEF
Research Articles
Wood quality results from the interaction between the genotype of trees and the silvicultural conditions to which they were subjected. Based on this interaction, research on the factors that add value to the woody raw material has an impact on the production of various forest products. This study aimed to evaluate the influence of different planting spacings (3×1, 3×2, 3×3 and 3×4 m) on the wood properties of three 4-year-old Eucalyptus clones. The wood of each clone was evaluated based on basic density, dry mass, anatomy, structural chemical composition, ash content and higher heating value. For at least one of the three clones studied, the planting spacing explained the variations in the basic density, dry mass, diameter and frequency of vessels and wall thickness of the wood fibers. Regardless of the eucalyptus clone, the area of vessels, the length and fraction of the fiber wall, as well as the contents of extractives, lignin, ash and the higher heating value of the wood were not influenced by the planting spacing. In summary, the change in the useful area alters the properties of wood in eucalyptus genetic materials in different ways and intensities at 4 years old.
Wood Quality, Useful Area for Planting, Eucalyptus Genetic Materials, Harvesting Age
Authors’ Info
Authors’ address
Graziela Baptista Vidaurre 0000-0001-9285-7105
José Tarcísio da Silva Oliveira 0000-0003-3375-9227
João Gabriel Missia Da Silva 0000-0002-3714-2745
Ramon Ferreira Oliveira 0000-0003-3798-7040
Ananias Francisco Dias Júnior 0000-0001-9974-0567
Jordão Cabral Moulin 0000-0002-5543-3853
Federal University of Espírito Santo, Vitória, Espírito Santo (Brazil)
Federal University of São João Del Rei, Minas Gerais (Brazil)
Leandro De Siqueira
Edival Angelo Valverde Zauza 0000-0001-8322-7689
Suzano S.A. Company, São Paulo (Brazil)
Corresponding author
Paper Info
Soares Brito A, Baptista Vidaurre G, da Silva Oliveira JT, Missia Da Silva JG, Ferreira Oliveira R, Dias Júnior AF, Chaves Arantes MD, Cabral Moulin J, Valin M, De Siqueira L, Valverde Zauza EA (2021). Interaction between planting spacing and wood properties of Eucalyptus clones grown in short rotation. iForest 14: 12-17. - doi: 10.3832/ifor3574-013
Academic Editor
Enrico Marchi
Paper history
Received: Jul 07, 2020
Accepted: Oct 20, 2020
First online: Jan 02, 2021
Publication Date: Feb 28, 2021
Publication Time: 2.47 months
Copyright Information
© SISEF - The Italian Society of Silviculture and Forest Ecology 2021
Open Access
This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 International (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.
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