
iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry


Wind contribution to yearly silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) compression wood development in the Romanian Carpathians

Florin Dinulica, Viorela Marcu, Stelian Alexandru Borz, Maria-Magdalena Vasilescu, Ion Catalin Petritan   

iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry, Volume 9, Issue 6, Pages 927-936 (2016)
doi: https://doi.org/10.3832/ifor1742-008
Published: Oct 02, 2016 - Copyright © 2016 SISEF

Research Articles

Since the 1950s, wind has represented one of the main disturbances to forest ecosystems in Europe, causing an increase in the frequency and amount of trees uprooted or broken by wind. Such phenomenon has also increased the incidence of compression wood in the xylem of remnant trees, thus leading to a general decrease in timber quality. In this study, we aimed to determine how wind regime affects the incidence of compression wood by reconstructing its chronology at both inter- and intra-annual scale using dendroclimatic methods. Six silver fir stands at different elevations were selected in central Romania, and compression wood time series were obtained from both increment cores from standing trees and radial discs from felled trees. Wood-structure variables were statistically analyzed as time series, while fluctuations of wind frequency and speed over the period 1921-present were reconstructed based on meteorological data. The structural response of sampled trees to wind was assessed based on the annual fluctuation in the frequency and intensity of compression wood. Results showed that the incidence of compression wood in the time series was synchronized with the intensity of the wind, rather than its duration. Wind regime in December of the preceding calendar year was significantly correlated with the frequency of compression wood, whereas its intensity was significantly correlated with wind load of previous September. The response of cambium to the wind stimulus increased with distance from the tree collar, peaking in the section at the base of the crown. At a decennial scale, only high-intensity wind stress triggered structural responses in the studied trees. Wind effects on xylogenesis in the analyzed stands increased over the last decades as a consequence of the local forest management. A better understanding of the structural response of forest trees to wind regime may explain how individual and groups of trees compete for stability and can help to improve forest management strategies in windy regions.


Reaction Wood, Wind Regime, Dendroclimatology, Silver Fir, Carpathian Mountains

Authors’ address

Florin Dinulica
Viorela Marcu
Stelian Alexandru Borz
Maria-Magdalena Vasilescu
Ion Catalin Petritan
Transilvania University of Brasov, Faculty of Silviculture and Forest Engineering, Department of Forest Engineering, Forest Management and Terrestrial Measurements, Sirul Beethoven 1, 500123 Brasov (Romania)

Corresponding author

Ion Catalin Petritan


Dinulica F, Marcu V, Borz SA, Vasilescu M-M, Petritan IC (2016). Wind contribution to yearly silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) compression wood development in the Romanian Carpathians. iForest 9: 927-936. - doi: 10.3832/ifor1742-008

Academic Editor

Enrico Marchi

Paper history

Received: Jun 12, 2015
Accepted: Sep 14, 2016

First online: Oct 02, 2016
Publication Date: Dec 14, 2016
Publication Time: 0.60 months

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