
iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry


Improving impregnation properties of fir wood to acid copper chromate (ACC) with microwave pre-treatment

Milad Ramezanpour (1), Asghar Tarmian (2), Hamid Reza Taghiyari (3)   

iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry, Volume 8, Issue 1, Pages 89-94 (2015)
doi: https://doi.org/10.3832/ifor1119-007
Published: Apr 01, 2014 - Copyright © 2015 SISEF

Technical Notes

Effects of microwave pre-treatment on impregnation properties in fir wood (Abies alba L.) with acid copper chromate (ACC) were studied here. Flat-sawn specimen boards were prepared with moisture content (MC) of 40 ± 5% and were exposed to microwave radiation with 2450 MHz frequency for 10, 12, 14, and 16 minutes at four different radiation treatments. Microwave-treated specimens, along with the control specimens, were conditioned to the final MC of 12% and then impregnated with 5%-ACC solution, using an empty-cell process. The impregnation properties were then measured, including retention, maximum and minimum depths of penetration, impregnated area in the cross-section, and ACC-leaching. Image J software was used to determine depths of penetration. Results showed that microwave pre-treatment significantly improved all the impregnation properties, with the exception of leaching. Clear direct relation was found between the duration of microwave radiation with the properties. It can be concluded that microwave pre-treatment can be used to significantly improve impregnation properties in fir wood.


Abies alba, Fir Wood, Impregnation, Microwave Radiation, Pre-treatment

Authors’ address

Milad Ramezanpour
Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Tehran (Iran)
Asghar Tarmian
Department of Wood and Paper Science & Technology, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Tehran (Iran)
Hamid Reza Taghiyari
Wood Science and Technology Department, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran (Iran)

Corresponding author

Hamid Reza Taghiyari


Ramezanpour M, Tarmian A, Taghiyari HR (2015). Improving impregnation properties of fir wood to acid copper chromate (ACC) with microwave pre-treatment. iForest 8: 89-94. - doi: 10.3832/ifor1119-007

Academic Editor

Elena Paoletti

Paper history

Received: Sep 07, 2013
Accepted: Nov 11, 2013

First online: Apr 01, 2014
Publication Date: Feb 02, 2015
Publication Time: 4.70 months

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