
iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry


Nutrient accumulation and export in teak (Tectona grandis L.f.) plantations of Central America

Jesus Fernández-Moya (1-2)   , Rafael Murillo (2-3), Edward Portuguez (2-4), Juan Luis Fallas (2-5), Vinicio Ríos (2-6), Folkert Kottman (2-6), Jean Marc Verjans (2-7), Rafael Mata (2), Alfredo Alvarado (2)

iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry, Volume 8, Issue 1, Pages 33-44 (2015)
doi: https://doi.org/10.3832/ifor1089-007
Published: Jun 04, 2014 - Copyright © 2015 SISEF

Research Articles

In order to assess the nutrient sustainability of teak plantations, a study was conducted to measure the amount of nutrients accumulated by the trees and exported during wood harvest. Three teak plantations (28 stands of different age) were studied in Costa Rica and Panama to assess those questions. Nutrient and biomass accumulation and allocation in different tree components (bole, bark, branches and foliage) were measured in the best performing trees between 1 and 19 years of age. A stand of 150 teak trees ha-1 at age 19 would accumulate (kg ha-1) 405 N, 661 Ca, 182 K, 111 Mg, 33 P, 53 S, 9 Fe, 0.47 Mn, 0.22 Cu, 0.92 Zn, 1 B; whereas the expected nutrient export by timber harvest (bole and bark) is (kg ha-1) 220 N, 281 Ca, 88 K, 63 Mg, 23 P, 39 S, 6 Fe, 0.13 Mn, 0.10 Cu, 0.21 Zn, 0.40 B. Hence, teak nutrition should pay special attention to N and K, together with Ca the nutrients most accumulated by teak. In addition, P and B could also be limiting planted teak forest productivity due to their general soil deficiencies. Proposed models estimate the amount of nutrients removed from the site during timber harvests, information that can be used by plantation managers to avoid soil nutrient depletion, approaching sustainability in forest plantation management.


Forest Nutrition, Planted Forests, Costa Rica, Panama, Sustainability, Forest Soils

Authors’ address

Jesus Fernández-Moya
Dept. Silvopascicultura, E.T.S.I Montes, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Ciudad Universitaria s/n, E-28040 Madrid (Spain)
Jesus Fernández-Moya
Rafael Murillo
Edward Portuguez
Juan Luis Fallas
Vinicio Ríos
Folkert Kottman
Jean Marc Verjans
Rafael Mata
Alfredo Alvarado
Centro de Investigaciones Agronómicas, Universidad de Costa Rica (CIA-UCR), San Pedro (Costa Rica)
Rafael Murillo
Instituto de Investigación y Servicios Forestales, Universidad Nacional (INISEFOR-UNA), Heredia (Costa Rica)
Edward Portuguez
Corporación de Desarrollo Agrícola Del Monte, S.A., 4084-1000 San José (Costa Rica)
Juan Luis Fallas
GSA Consulting Group (Costa Rica)
Vinicio Ríos
Folkert Kottman
Panamerican Woods S.A., San José (Costa Rica)
Jean Marc Verjans
Ecoforest Panama S.A., Panama City (Panama)

Corresponding author

Jesus Fernández-Moya


Fernández-Moya J, Murillo R, Portuguez E, Fallas JL, Ríos V, Kottman F, Verjans JM, Mata R, Alvarado A (2015). Nutrient accumulation and export in teak (Tectona grandis L.f.) plantations of Central America. iForest 8: 33-44. - doi: 10.3832/ifor1089-007

Academic Editor

Giustino Tonon

Paper history

Received: Jul 26, 2013
Accepted: Feb 17, 2014

First online: Jun 04, 2014
Publication Date: Feb 02, 2015
Publication Time: 3.57 months

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