
iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry


GlobAllomeTree: international platform for tree allometric equations to support volume, biomass and carbon assessment

M Henry (1)   , A Bombelli (2), C Trotta (3), A Alessandrini (3), L Birigazzi (1), G Sola (1), G Vieilledent (4), P Santenoise (1), F Longuetaud (7), R Valentini (2-3), N Picard (4), L Saint-André (5-6)

iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry, Volume 6, Issue 6, Pages 326-330 (2013)
doi: https://doi.org/10.3832/ifor0901-006
Published: Jul 18, 2013 - Copyright © 2013 SISEF

Technical Reports

GlobAllomeTree is an international platform for tree allometric equations. It is the first worldwide web platform designed to facilitate the access of the tree allometric equation and to facilitate the assessment of the tree biometric characteristics for commercial volume, bio-energy or carbon cycling. The webplatform presents a database containing tree allometric equations, a software called Fantallomatrik, to facilitate the comparison and selection of the equations, and documentation to facilitate the development of new tree allometric models, improve the evaluation of tree and forest resources and improve knowledge on tree allometric equations. In the Fantallometrik software, equations can be selected by country, ecological zones, input parameters, tree species, statistic parameters and outputs. The continuously updated database currently contains over 5000 tree allometric equations classified according to 73 fields. The software Fantallometrik can be also used to compare equations, insert new data and estimate the selected output variables using field inventory. The GlobAllomeTree products are freely available at the URL: http://globallometree.org for a range of users including foresters, project developers, scientist, student and government staff.


Forest Assessment, LULUCF, Trees Outside Forests, Database, Software, Communication

Authors’ address

M Henry
L Birigazzi
G Sola
P Santenoise
Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, Forest Department, v.le delle Terme di Caracalla, I-00153 Rome (Italy)
A Bombelli
R Valentini
CMCC, Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change, v. Augusto Imperatore 16, I-73100 Lecce (Italy)
C Trotta
A Alessandrini
R Valentini
DIBAF, Università della Tuscia, v. Camillo de Lellis, I-01100 Viterbo (Italy)
G Vieilledent
N Picard
CIRAD, F-34398 Montpellier Cedex 5 (France)
L Saint-André
CIRAD, UMR Eco et Sols, Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Biogéochimie des Sols et Agro-écosystèmes, F-34060 Montpellier (France)
L Saint-André
INRA, UR BEF, Biogéochimie des Ecosystèmes Forestiers, F-54280 Champenoux (France)
F Longuetaud
INRA, UMR LERFoB, Laboratoire d’Etude des Ressources Forêt-Bois, F-54280, Champenoux (France)

Corresponding author


Henry M, Bombelli A, Trotta C, Alessandrini A, Birigazzi L, Sola G, Vieilledent G, Santenoise P, Longuetaud F, Valentini R, Picard N, Saint-André L (2013). GlobAllomeTree: international platform for tree allometric equations to support volume, biomass and carbon assessment. iForest 6: 326-330. - doi: 10.3832/ifor0901-006

Academic Editor

Marco Borghetti

Paper history

Received: Nov 16, 2012
Accepted: Jun 14, 2013

First online: Jul 18, 2013
Publication Date: Dec 02, 2013
Publication Time: 1.13 months

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