Europe has been dominated by cultural landscape and rather intensively managed forests. It is thus no surprise that the ongoing global biodiversity crisis as well as the consequences of climate change have been apparent. In recent years, forestry in Central Europe has been going through a crisis caused by extensive disturbances primarily in commercial monocultures; this phenomenon is particularly striking in the Czech Republic. Given the significance of the situation, it is essential to review and optimise the current forest management practices in relation to biodiversity protection. Therefore, a survey among Czech biologists was conducted in an effort to provide specific feedback to foresters and other stakeholders based on scientific and empirical knowledge of the survey respondents. The survey assessed the forest habitat (in terms of light conditions and the structure of the forest environment), forest management tools and conceptual approaches regarding specific species and groups of organisms. The respondents negatively perceived the current forestry practices, especially in terms of creating homogeneity across the forest environment and eliminating important habitats. Structurally diverse old-growth forests as well as the open forests with the presence of old and habitat trees were emphasised by the survey respondents as essential environments. Large-scale non-intervention within protected areas is necessary to support the presence of old-growth forests. On the other hand, there is an urgent need to restore open forests which requires (but not exclusively) the active efforts of man. These two basic appeals are essential in order to diversify the landscape through a combination of segregative and integrative forest management tools that aim to support biodiversity.
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Kjučukov P, Hofmeister J, Bače R, Vítková L, Svoboda M (2022). The effects of forest management on biodiversity in the Czech Republic: an overview of biologists’ opinions. iForest 15: 187-196. - doi: 10.3832/ifor3953-015
Academic Editor
Emanuele Lingua
Paper history
Received: Aug 21, 2021
Accepted: Mar 01, 2022
First online: May 19, 2022
Publication Date: Jun 30, 2022
Publication Time: 2.63 months
© SISEF - The Italian Society of Silviculture and Forest Ecology 2022
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